Part XI


Nov.  2020

The “Dark” Matter: Its Rarefaction Origin and Nature; Visible to Dark Matter Interactions and Transformations



Three Cosmic Equations of State: Visible Matter, Dark Matter and E/M Radiation


“Dark” E/M Radiation


The Possibility of Detecting 

‘Visible to Dark’ Matter Transformations


Some Cosmological Adjustments








1.  Introduction

2.  Properties of Three Main Equations of State


         Equations of State

         The Curvature Criterion

3.  The Elliptical Dark Matter State ( p2 /b2 + v2 / a2 = a2b2): The Dark Matter as a Rarefaction ‘Form’


Proposed Elliptical Equation of State for Dark Matter

Properties of the Proposed Elliptical Dark Matter

4.  The Linear State:  ‘Dark ‘ E/M Rarefied Radiation,  Does It Exist?.

5.  The Possibility of Visible-to-Dark Matter Transformations  

6.  Some  Cosmological Consequences

7.  Summary


Appendix A: Formation of Visible  Hadronic  and Leptonic Matter in a Hyperbolic Compressible Shockwave  Appendix B: Outline of Compressible Flow and Shockwaves Appendix C: Transverse Waves in a Tenuous Fluid



1. Introduction  


In Part X: The  Big Bang:  Visible Matter and Dark Matter Origins] [ Feb. 2020]  [1] ,we re-examined our earlier proposal that  visible cosmic matter   (hadrons and leptons) are compression, dynamic forms which originated at the Big Bang in a hyperbolic compression shockwave, and  are also routinely  formed by the same  compression shock process in linear accelerators [2,3,4],

We then  proposed in the same document that the dark matter of the cosmos consists of  rarefaction, dynamic ‘forms’ which also originated in an elliptical rarefaction shockwave associated with the sudden inflationary expansion event which occurred immediately after the Big Bang. This would finally provide a reasonable explanation for the dark matter’s  origin, general nature, and provide a physical  reason for its apparent non-interaction with our visible matter world, ours being compressive and the dark world being rarefied. 

We now continue our examination of rarefaction compressibility to yield more detail on the nature of the Dark Matter World including the possibility that a form of ‘dark radiation” exists and is its ‘illumination’, as well as a proposal for a visible to dark matter transformations.


First, we put this in context with a look at three cosmic Equations of State.



2.0    Properties of Three Main Equations of State  



2.1 General  


Equations of State are equations which link the thermodynamic ‘state’ variables of pressure, p, specific volume (v = 1/ρ) and temperature  T. [ : Part VIII : Equations of State for Cosmic Fields: [Ref 13].

These “states”  are the dynamic, compressible entities  in which waves travel and in which shock waves of either compression or of rarefaction form and produce elementary forms or particles of matter, visible or ‘dark as the case may be, but which so far have appeared to be almost completely separate and noninteracting .


For example,  we have (a) the Ideal Gas Law as the hyperbolic  equation of state describing the production of  visible matter [ pv = const. = RT] : (b)  the elliptical equation of state  [p2/b2 + v2/a2 = a2b2 = const] which we propose to describe the dark matter of the cosmos., and (c)  the linear equation [p = ±Av]  which  will be seen to describe both Maxwell’s Electromagnetic waves, as well as newly proposed ‘dark’ electromagnetic waves to irradiate  the dark matter world.


These three equations of state are depicted on pressure  p, versus –specific volume  ( v = 1/ϼ)  diagrams, as in Fig. 1, Quadrant 1. 




Figure 1:  Equations of State for Visible Matter, Dark Matter and Linear Waves



2.2 Equations of State and Wave Types Supported by Each State:


(1)   The hyperbolic state supports compression waves only; rarefaction waves die out but compression waves of finite amplitude grow to compression  shocks. This state describes our visible or Hubble world in which the elementary particles of matter form in compression shocks.


The properties of our ordinary visible matter are, of course, well known and in voluminous detail. The state is one of condensed energy forms, i.e:  elementary mass-particles, atoms, molecules. 


For visible matter, the equation of state is  hyperbolic: [ pv = RT = constant].


The visible matter interacts intimately with a linear wave state via the electro- magnetic force and via absorption and emission of condensed electromagnetic radiation  ( i. e of photons).


(2)   The linear state supports stable waves of both compression and rarefaction. Shocks cannot occur.  The compression linear waves correspond to the stable E/M waves of our visible cosmos.   


 The  linear equation of state  [p  = ±Av  ±B]  supports the condensed photons of electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with visible matter.  Theoretically this equation also supports rarefaction waves  and so the possibility of  rarefied  E/M radiation arises. 


(3)   The elliptical state, we now  propose,  pertains to the dark matter. This state supports rarefaction waves only. Waves of finite amplitude grow to form rarefaction shocks  in which we propose  dark matter ‘forms’ emerge to produce a rarefied  kind of matter.


(Since the assigned elliptical equation of state for  the dark matter supports only rarefaction waves and rarefaction shocks, any ‘forms’ would then necessarily be of  ‘rarefied  matter’, whatever this may mean. One might suspect that, because in our scheme the dark matter's rarefied state is opposite to the compressive state of  our visible matter, that this might  now explain the lack of  any observed interaction of dark matter with condensed visible matter, as is currently the case.  


Note: We should point out here that the three curves in Fig. 1  are for illustration of  equation type only. That is to say, the relative sizes of the areas ( pv) under each curve ( pv represents an energy amount) are  not representative of actually existing relative total energies; this would require expert assessment. 


2.3 The Curvature Criterion for  the Three Equations of State    [Ref. (5)  Shapiro. Vol. 1]


Pulses or changes in flow rate in compressible fluids cause pressure fluctuations which result

in traveling disturbances called   pressure waves.  These waves can be of either compression or rarefaction depending on the physical nature of the compressible fluid as expressed in its equation of state. Waves in material gases of visible matter (hyperbolic equation of state) are always compression while rarefaction waves are damped and die out. For the elliptical state the reverse is the case and rarefaction waves prevail.

If the wave amplitude is ‘infinitely’ small, the waves are stable and are called ‘acoustic waves’. If the wave amplitude is finite to begin with then, in both the hyperbolic and elliptical states, the waves grow rapidly to form shocks or shock wave, respectively of compression and of rarefaction.


The criterion for wave behavior is the curvature of the equation of state [d2p/dv2 ]   on the pv diagram.





Fig. 2.  Hyperbolic and Elliptical  Equations of State with opposite   curvature


1.                  If the curvature is positive [d2p/dv2 > 0] as in the hyperbolic, visible matter case, then the compression waves are non-linear and steepen with time to form compression shocks; rarefaction waves die out. 


2.                  If the curvature is negative [d2p/dv2 ‹ 0], as in the elliptical dark matter, then their rarefaction waves are non-linear and steepen with time to form rarefaction shocks while compression waves die out. 


[Note: In all states, if the pressure disturbances are of infinitesimally low amplitude then stable waves of either compression or rarefaction called acoustic waves can persist without growing to shocks].


3.                  In the case where the curvature is zero [d2p/dv2 = 0], the pv curve is linear , i.e. it is a straight line, [p = ±Av ±B]  and waves of both compression or rarefaction, and of any amplitude large or small, are all stable and can propagate unchanged. This linear case can also be visualized as the tangent case linking the hyperbolic and elliptical state equations.


To repeat, waves large or small, in this linear state, are all stable and all can propagate unchanged. Growth to shock waves is not possible in the linear case. [Ref.  (5)  Shapiro. Vol. 1]  




3. The Elliptical Dark Matter State ( p2 /b2 + v2 / a2 = a2b2) : The Dark Matter Seen as  Rarefaction 'Forms' or Rarefaction ‘Substances’



3.1 General

As we have shown in Part X, the formation of the elementary particles of our visible universe

can  be described by compression shocks in  the hyperbolic  state [pv = constant] occurring  in the Big Bang event.[1,4].


We now  propose that the dark  matter’s elliptical  state should  produce rarefaction shocks and rarefaction forms, and that this rarefaction property --as opposed to compression properties--  may then  explain both the dark matter’s  invisibility  and its apparent non-interaction with visible forms of matter, except by way of gravity.

Our elliptical equation of state for the dark matter is :


P2 /b2   - v2/a2  = a2b2=


If the curvature is positive   [ d2p/dv2 › 0] as in material gases, then hyperbolic state compression  waves steepen to form compression shocks and rarefaction waves die out.


If the curvature is negative [d2p/dv2 ‹ 0], as in the proposed elliptical dark matter case, then rarefaction waves would steepen with time to form rarefaction shocks while compression waves would die out.






Fig. 3.  Hyperbolic and Elliptical  Equations of State with opposite   curvature


We understand a great deal about ordinary hyperbolic matter ( 4.9%  of the cosmos),  but very little about the much more abundant dark matter (27%).  The dark matter apparently occurs everywhere and has a strong influence on the structure, dynamics and the physical evolution of the cosmos. It does not appear to interact with ordinary matter, nor with electromagnetic radiation. Its interaction with our ordinary matter is apparently only by gravitation, although there is some thought that the dark matter may interact very weakly with matter by some application of the weak nuclear force.


Some other explanatory candidates have been that the dark matter is some new kind of unknown baryonic elementary particle, or involves weakly interacting WIMPS. Currently theories also distinguish between Cold, Warm or Hot Dark Matter.


However, ln this Report we have assigned to the dark matter a rarefaction nature, with its cosmic origin being at a strong rarefaction shock wave occurring in the sudden and massive inflationary expansion that occurred right after the Big Bang’s enormous compression state.                                               


         As a background to this new rarefaction shockwave proposition, we mention that we have earlier proposed that the ordinary matter’s elementary particles are routinely formed in compression shockwaves in linear accelerators, and that this is verified in the predicted mass ratios which are in good agreement with  the experimentally measured  mass ratios.    [Appendix A: Formation of Visible Baryonic Matter in a Hyperbolic Compressible Shockwave]








Figure 1:  Equations of State for Visible Matter, Dark Matter and Linear Waves




4.0 The Linear State: Dark E/M Rarefied Radiation,  Does It Exist?


The linear state equation [ p = ± Av ±B] is pre-eminently a stable wave equation.   These linear waves can be of either compression or of rarefaction, but all are stable, propagating without change in amplitude, so that shocks are impossible. The linear compression waves interact with our compression visible matter as observable E/M photonic radiation.[17].


It seems reasonable therefore to propose then that there may also exist linear ‘dark’ rarefaction wave forms i.e.  ‘rarefied photons’ which parallel  the linear E/M compression photons which interact with our compression visible  matter as E/M radiation.   


            A further question which arises is whether rarefied dark matter can interact with rarefied linear radiation? This would parallel the interaction of visible compression matter with the Maxwell’s compressed photonic electromagnetic linear radiation [ 17].  If so, the resulting ‘dark matter’ and its associated ‘dark’ radiation’ World would lie all about us. It is known through its gravitation to be five times as abundant as our own visible world, but it is as yet undetectable by any known means apart from its mentioned gravitational attraction. [


This then raises the possibility that a ‘dark linear E/M  to dark matter  interaction’ may  be detectible by some means yet to be discovered. 

To summarize: The linear equation of state  [p = ±AV] is here  taken as describing sets of linear waves, not only of photonic compression but of ‘photonic’ rarefaction as well.  And so, we may now explore the possibility that “dark” leptons expressing ‘dark’ electromagnetism may also exist.


     The proposal is a valid scientific proposition. It does however as yet lack some testable effects. We suggest that such effects may lie in some small numerical discrepancies in the experimental data of existing cosmological and quantum experimental testing.



5.0 The Possibility of Visible to Dark Matter Transformations:   Is the Concept of Dark Energy Necessary?  


Astronomical observations, of a large increase in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation ( CMB) discovered \around 1998. was interpreted as showing the universe to be undergoing an accelerated expansion. In explanation,  the concept of an all pervasive “dark energy” exerting an expansion pressure was introduced. The amount of this new hypothetical energy needed to explain the CMB increase was enormous, constituting some 69% of the known universe compared with only 4.9% for the visible universe.


Towards a simplification,  we now propose  a transformation  from World A matter to World B matter. 


A Possible Transformation from Visible Matter to the “ Dark Matter”


 . This transformation  of World A visible matter to World B dark matter A  would logically take place at a common tangential point having a  common critical pressure p* ( Fig. 3.).






Fig. 3.  Hyperbolic and Elliptical  Equations of State with opposite   curvature


Right  after the Big Bang  ,when the overall pressures in World A were very much higher than p* , the proposed transformation could only take place locally,  as in astronomical  vortices where the local  vortex central pressure might drop low enough to reach the critical pressure p*. Such transformation vortices, if they exist, would probably be found in the center of quasars and in ‘Black Holes”.

To repeat, with an overall pressure lowering due to cosmic expansion, at some time in cosmic history the pressure in the  core of a celestial vortex could conceivably drop locally to reach the cosmic pressure p* and then a  local transformation from our World A (visible) matter to World B (dark) matter could take place. In other words, the vortex central core would become a local transformation sink in which the proposed transformation of visible matter to dark matter could occur  locally.  [Fig 2]. This transformation would be accompanied by an energy change.  Such a Visible -to- Dark  Matter Transformation Would  Eiiminate the Need to Postulate  A “Dark Energy”  Solution


The energy change ∆ E in the A to B transformation is given by  subtracting the two compressible energy equations∆E  = cB2 – cA2 = V2 [ 1/nA   -  1\nB ]. And since nA   in our visible World is positive and nB  in the Dark Matter World would be  negative, energy must be evolved in the transformation. 


Now it would seems reasonable that this evolved energy ∆E would lie in the microwave range . This is because  a rarefaction change in structure in the transformation would involve a molecular bond rearrangement and bond rotations  have  energies in the microwave range. Such a local rarefaction transformation and microwave energy release would then be detectable astronomically as a local increase  in the  Cosmic Microwave Background. (CMB)  


 The physics and astrophysics of quasars is complex and specialised. However, the presence of microwave radiation emissions in quasar cores is suggestive of molecular bond rotations such as would be expected or even essential  in a (compressed) matter to “dark” (rarefied)  matter transformation.  It would thus appear that the available astronomical spectrographic observations on quasars may already constitute an  experimental verification of the proposed transformation, but this is a matter for specialists.


At some era, with the progress of expansion to lower and lower cosmic pressures, the local transformation and local CMB shift in vortices could become more and more widespread, giving  give the  false impression that an overall acceleration in cosmic  expansion rate was under way instead.

With the observed cosmic acceleration in expansion rate explained in this way as a consequence of visible to dark matter transformations and release of bond rotation microwave radiation, there would be no need to invoke “dark energy “.  This proposal,‘ of course, needs quantitative study by cosmic radiation experts.




1.                  If the pressure in a laboratory vortex could be lowered to the cosmic critical pressure p* , it might be possible to bring about laboratory -scale transformation for a direct experimental verification of the transformation proposal.

2.                  At some future distant time, with continued hyperbolic state cosmic expansion, the overall cosmic hyperbolic pressure might reach p*, and then a general transformation of World A into World B matter might conceivably take place.]




6.0  Some Cosmological Adjustments


The Principle of Compressibility in Physics


            The physical principle of compressibility runs through much of physics as a unifying concept and as a source of many unique explanatory instances.  It may be well to list some of these qualities since they form the basis for an adjustment to physical cosmology:


            In quantum physics, compressibility derives: The Lorentz Contraction Factor, Lorentz Invariance, wave/particle duality etc.[1]


In Electromagnetism, it fits Maxwell equations. the radiation wave speed wave speed, etc.[1] In particle physics it predicts the formation of visible elementary particles at a compression shockwave and the predicted particle mass-ratios match the measured ones.[2]


In current Cosmology it  describes:  

A physical mechanism for the Big Bang ,


A new explanation for the observed increased acceleration of the cosmic expansion as revealed by the CMB, and an elimination of the need for dark energy postulate


A Dark Matter interaction with the visible Hubble world  at a critical cosmic pressure p*, and the possibility of its detection


Local transformations of visible matter into  dark matter in the vortex core of quasars ,galaxies,  etc.


Possibility of direct verifications of the transformation proposal in very low pressure vortices in the labo4ratory.


A physical basis for General  Relativity and for  Lorentz correction factors [1].


The problem of the discrepancy in vacuum energy density between physical cosmology on the one hand, where it is so low, and the quantum vacuum on the other where it is calculated to be enormously greater, now vanishes in compressibility cosmology because the two states are now physically separate and simply not comparable.  Separateness as a solution for the problem has been suggested before; here we base it in the ‘separateness’ of the two physical states, respectively of hyperbolic flow and of linear flow.


The compressibility principle applied to cosmology provides not only a new unity, new explanations for current problems, but also new predictions for experimental validation tests.

The possibilities discussed, if eventually validated, will result in a simplification of physical cosmology on one hand, and an elaboration of details on the other. 


7.0 Summary:


First, our new model would apply compressibility theory so that the Big Bang Initial Event becomes a physical compressive strong Shock Event, immediately followed by an inflationary rarefaction /expansion strong shock.  The compression is governed by a hyperbolic equation of state, while the inflationary expansion is described by an elliptical equation of state. The compression shock produces elementary particles of visible matter; the inflationary/rarefaction shock, we theorize produces ‘dark matter’ particles.  


Second, quantum effects, electromagnetism and radiation, both visible and dark, are described by a linear cosmic equation of state. 


Third, universal gravitation as described by General Relativity is derivable from compressibility, which governs all three equations of state, hyperbolic, elliptical and linear. Its force can be expressed in compressibility terms as a pressure gradient force, but this remains to be developed.


Fourth, what has been prominently missing in current cosmology is any interaction of visible matter with the much more abundant cosmic dark matter.  Now however, in the proposed model, interactions between quantum waves/particles and electromagnetism do continually take place between the hyperbolic and the linear state. In addition to what may have taken place universally in the Big Bang, ‘visible matter to dark’ matter transformations may also take place locally in regions of sufficiently low vacuum pressure (p = p*); such low-pressure sites would be in the cores of cosmic vortices such as in quasars, galaxies, and in Black Holes and the like.   Energy would be released to the vacuum in such transformations, which released energy may be detectible as fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background CMB, which   could account for the observed acceleration in the expansion   of the cosmos.   If this mechanism is verified, it would eliminate the necessity for introduction of the controversial “dark energy’ to explain an inferred acceleration in the cosmic expansion rate.  


Fifth, other currently unsolved problems such as Ultra Luminous X-ray sources (ULX’s) and Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s) may also yield to an application of the new compressibility model.


Sixth,  in addition to such  astronomical confirmatory observations, there is also the intriguing possibility of direct  experimental confirmation of  the proposed  visible to dark matter transformation by sufficient experimental pressure lowering, as for example in  high speed vortices in laboratory accelerators. 


Seventh, in the new cosmological model there is a wave speed limit. (i.e. speed of light limit).  In addition, there is a limiting particle velocity at an “escape speed to a vacuum. ‘This particular compressible flow concept may be relevant to various current problems with Event Horizons. 




1.        ,   Part X: The Big Bang:  Visible Matter and Dark Matter Origins,  Posted Feb. 2020  

2.                  Power, Bernard A., Unification of Forces and Particle Production at an Oblique Radiation Shock Front. Contr. Paper No. 462. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting,+ Washington, D.C., Jan. 1982.

3.---------------, Baryon Mass-ratios and Degrees of Freedom in a Compressible Radiation Flow.  Contr. Paper No. 505. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting, Detroit, May 1983.


4.. .---------------, Summary of a Universal Physics. Monograph (Private distribution) pp 92.  Tempress, Dorval, Quebec,1992


5.    . Shapiro, A. H. The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow.  2 vols. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1951


6.    Courant, R. and Friedrichs, K. O. (1948). Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves.  Interscience, New York.


7.    Lamb, Horace., Hydrodynamics    6th ed. Dover, New York, 1932.


8.    Chaplygin, S.,  Sci. Mem. Moscow Univ. Math. Phys. 21 (1904).


9.    Tsien, H. S.  Two-Dimensional Subsonic Flow of Compressible Fluids, J. Aero. Sci. Vol. 6, No.10 (Aug., 1939), p.399.


10.Bachall, N.A., Ostriker, J.P., Perlmutter, S., and P.J. Steinhardt. The Cosmic Triangle: Revealing the State of the Universe. Science, 284, 1481 1999.


11.Kamenshchick, A, Moschella, U., and V. Pasquier. An alternative to quintessence. Phys. Lett. B 511, 265,


12.Bilic, N., Tupper, G.B., and R.D. Violier. Unification of Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Inhomogeneous Chaplygin Gas. Astrophysics , astro-ph/0111325. 2002. : Part VIII Equations of State for Cosmic Fields: Appendix C.  Maxwell/s Electromagnetic Waves and Compressible Flow.  Posted 2017.






Formation of Visible, Hadronic and Leptonic Matter in a Hyperbolic Compressible Shockwave


 Evidence for  the Origin of Baryonic Matter by Energy Compressibility in Shock Wave Condensations,  as occurs in Linear Acelerators 


We have earlier proposed .[1,2,3].  that : All elementary particles of matter (with the possible exception of the neutrino) are condensed energy forms produced under hyperbolic equations of state by compression  shocks 


The forms are given in terms of a simple, integral number n  ( n = degrees of freedom of the compressible energy flow,  which is roughly the number of ways the energy of the system is divided)..  The experimental values of the ratio of the masses to one another are then related  to the maximum theoretical compression ratio for each compression shock. ( Eq. 16 below).  The observed fit is to within 1%.


A. Formation of  Baryons and Heavy Mesons) in a Linear Accelerator Flow


Maximum Compression Ratio


mb/mq = Vmax/c* = [n+1]1/2                                                                                                                       (16)


mb is the mass of any hadron  particle, mq is a quark mass, Vmax = co n1/2 is the escape speed to a vacuum; that is, it is the maximum possible relative flow velocity in an energy flow for a given value of n, the number of degrees of freedom of the energy form,  This is a non-isentropic relationship which  corresponds physically to the maximum possible strong shock. 


Experimental verification values for  this hadron mass- ratio formula is given in Table  A below. (See

Appendix  B: The Production of Visible Matter at a Strong Condensation Shock in a Linear Accelerator )


         Table A)  Hadrons (Baryons and Heavy Mesons)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      n     n +1     [n+1]1/2    Particle         Mass (mb)        Ratio to

                                                           ( MeV)            quark mass 


0     1             1          quark (ud)         310 MeV          1                                    quark (s)            505


2     3             1.73      eta (η)                548.8               1.73        



5     6             2.45       rho (ρ)               776                 2.45



8          9             3          proton (p)           938.28            3.03  (1)                                             neutron (n)          939.57           3.03

                                  Λ  (uds)             1115.6            2.97  (2)   

                                  Ξo (uss)             1314.19           2.99  (3)

9          10           3.16      Σ+  (uus)           1189.36              3.17  (2)

10      11         3.32      Ω-  (sss)            1672.2               3.31  (4) 



Note: Average quark mass is 310 MeV;  (2) Average quark mass is (u + d+ s)/3 = 375 MeV   (3) Average quark mass is (u+s+s)/3 = 440 MeV;   (4) Average quark mass is 505 Mev.


Comparing column three,  the maximum shock compression [n+1]1/2 ], to the final column  “Ratio to quark mass” we see that they closely agree,  so that the proposed origin of hadrons by strong shock compression theory expressed  in Equation 16 is verified.



B. Origin of  Leptons, Pion and Kaon


mL/me-  =  k/α2 = [(n+2)/n]/α2 = {(n+2)/n] x 137                                                 (17)


where α = 1/11.703  = [1/137]1/2 is the fine structure constant of the atom , and k is the adiabatic exponent or ratio of specific heats, k = cp/cv = [(n+2)/n]. 


 Because of the presence of k, this equation for the mass of the leptons is  thermodynamic and quasiisentropic.  


We propose that the leptons are formed via the weak shock option( i.e. they involve the reduction in strength of the fine structure constant [1/137]1/2 


The experimental verification for the lepton mass ratio formula of Eqn. 17 is given in Table B below.


                              Table B)  Leptons, Pion and Kaon a

N     k = (n+2)/n       Particle                  Mass              Ratio        Ratio

                                                              (MeV)              to              x 1/137




1/3           7              Kaon  K±               493.67            966.32          7.05

2              2              Pion π±                  139.57            273.15          1.99

4              1.5           Muon μ                  105.66            206.77          1.51

-                -             Electron                 0.511              1


Clearly, column 2 values for  k ≈ ml/me (1/137)  closely match column 6 for the mass ratio reduced by 1/137, thus verifying  Equation 17 and the theory that the leptons are formed by weak shock condensation. . 




The problem of the origin of the observed mass-ratios of the elementary particles of matter to one another has here been  explained by the compressible flow expressions to within about 1% of the experimentally observed values. This grounds the creation of matter in the strong compressible shock for the baryons, and in the weak shock option for the electron and leptons.   


 The principle of the compressibility of energy flow, therefore, would seem to underlie the emergence of  material particles in  the   visible  universe from some underlying energy field or continuum such as a modified  general relativity field. 


The above data are those of the standard model of elementary particle formation as verified in high energy accelerators. We now  propose that this shock compression process for particle formation in accelerators may fit into the existing Big  Bang model as well.



1. Power, Bernard A., Unification of Forces and Particle Production at an Oblique Radiation Shock Front. Contr. Paper N0. 462. American Association  for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting,  Washington, D.C., Jan. 1982.

2.--------------, Baryon Mass-ratios and Degrees of Freedom in a Compressible Radiation Flow.  Contr. Paper No. 505. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting, Detroit, May 1983.


3.---------------, Summary of a Universal Physics. Monograph (Private distribution) pp 92.  Tempress, Dorval, Quebec,1992.


  Copyright,  Bernard A. Power,  March 2020 


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Appendix B


( Excerpts from :  Summary of a Universal Physics. Monograph (Private distribution) pp 92.  Tempress, Dorval, Quebec,1992.]




2.0 Outline of Compressible Fluid Flow


The following is a listing of some relevant  basic  compressible flow principles. For  more complete treatment see  texts on compressible fluid  flow or  gas dynamics.[3, 4,5,6.7.8].



2.1  Steady State Energy Equation  


c2 = co2    V2/n                                                                              (1)


where c is the local wave speed, co is the static [i.e at V = 0] or maximum wave speed, V is the relative flow speed, n is the number of ways the energy of the flow system is divided (i. e.  the number of degrees of freedom) of the system and [  n = 2/(k− 1),  where k = cp/cv   is  the’ adiabatic constant’  or ratio of specific heats.]


Here, ‘relative’ means referred to any (arbitrarily) chosen physical flow  boundary. The equation is for unit mass, that is, it pertains to ‘specific energy’ flow.


  The case where V = c = c*  is called the critical state. The ratio (V/c) is the Mach number M of the flow.  The ratio (V/co) is also  a quantum state variable. The maximum flow velocity Vmax (when c = 0)  is the escape speed to a vacuum: 

Vmax = √ n co.



2.2   Unsteady State Energy Equation 


c2 = co2 – V2/n – 2/n (dφ/dt)                                                                         (2a)


where φ is a  velocity potential, and dφ/dx = u is a perturbation of the relative  velocity.  Therefore, in three dimensions, substituting V for u, we have dφ/dt = V (dx/dt) = Vc, and


c2 = co2 – V2 /n  − 2 (cV)/n                                                                      (2b)


(See also sect. 3.2 below  for far-reaching implications of the 2cV interaction energy term in quantum state physics).




2.3  Lagrangian Energy Function L 


L = (Kinetic energy) – (Potential energy) = ( c2+ V2/n) – co2 , and so, from (2b)


          L = − (2cV)/n                                                                                         (3)




2.4  Equation of State for Compressible,  Ordinary Matter Systems 


The  equations of state  link the thermodynamic quantities of pressure p, specific volume (

volume per unit mass v = 1/ρ] and temperature T. The basic equation of state for ordinary gases is the equilateral hyperbola of the Ideal Gas Law: 


pv = RT ;     p/ρ = RT = constant                        (4)


Equation 4 is seen to be isothermal  (T= constant) . For adiabatic changes it becomes pvk = constant, where the adiabatic constant  k = cp/cv is the ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure  and at constant volume,  respectively. 


Here, each point on the curve presents the values for a particular  pressure and volume pair  and shows how the two relate to each other when one or the other is changed.  In this hyperbolic equation, the product of the two -- i.e. the  pv- energy --  has a constant value as set out by the equation of state. 





                                              Hyperbolic Equation of State (Ideal Gas Law)


Equations of State  can be formed for gases, liquids or solids. Here, we shall be concerned mainly with those for the highly compressible states i.e. for  gases.



2.5     Waves and Flow


2.5.1 The  Classical Wave Equation 


2ψ = 1/c2 [∂2ψ/∂t2]                                                                   (5)


where ∆2 = ∂2../∂x2  + ∂2.../∂y2 + ∂2../∂z2;  ψ  is the wave amplitude, that is, it is the amplitude of a thermodynamic state variable such as the pressure p or the density ρ. The local  wave speed is c.


The general solution of (5) is 


ψ = φ1 (x – ct) + φ2 ( x+ ct)                                                                         (6)


Equation 6 is a linear,  approximate  equation for the case of low-amplitude waves in which all small terms (squares, products of differentials, etc.) have been dropped. 


The natural graphical representation of steady state compressible flows and their waves is on the (x,t), or space-time diagram.                   











The classical wave equation corresponds to isentropic conditions. It represents a stable, low-amplitude wave disturbance, such as an acoustic–type wave.  



Unsteady State  ( Accelerating) Compressible Flow 


In compressible flow theory, forces, when present,  introduce a curvature of the characteristic

lines for velocity on the space-time or xt-diagram. Space- time curvature thus indicates velocity acceleration and the presence  of force . 






(a)   Straight characteristics and path lines show steady flow and absence of force.


(b)  Curved characteristics and path lines show acceleration and presence of force


In the case of compressible flow and 3-space (x,y,z) ,  a curved path line dx/dt = v (path) may be ‘transformed away’ to a straight line Lagrange representation [ dh/dt = 0].   


[Note:  In General Relativity the analogous distortion of its 4-space (x,y,z,t) to obtain a force- free representation is a tensor distortion. 


However, it should be noted that general relativity is a continuous field theory, and, as such, excludes discontinuities or singularities such as shocks. Therefore, it appears to be fundamentally incompatible with quantum physics.  


On the other hand, compressible flow as shown below in Section 3.1 on Visible Matter predicts shock discontinuities as the physical mechanism for the emergence of the elementary particles of matter by shock compression of an energy flow.  Thus, compressible flow is compatible with quantum theory whereas general relativity is not.]


2.5.2     The Exact Wave Equation 


2 ψ  = 1/c22ψ/∂t2 [ 1 + ψ ](k + 1)                                                            (7)


where k, the adiabatic exponent, is k = cp/cv = ( n + 2) /n; and ( k + 1 ) = 2( n + 1)/n =  2(co/c*)2.   Here, pressure is a function of density only.  This wave is isentropic, non-linear, unstable, and grows to a nonisentropic discontinuity called a shock wave.                                            



2.5.3     Shock Waves 


All finite amplitude, compressive waves are non-linear and grow in amplitude with time to form shock waves.  These shocks  are discontinuities in flow, across which the flow variables p, ρ, V, T and c change abruptly. (Note p = pressure, ρ  = momentum).     Normal Shocks  






                                       V1  >  V2                                                                                          (8)           



                              p1, ρ1, T1   <  p2, ρ2,  T2                                                                              (9)     




Entropy Change Across Shock:  


∆S = S1 – S2 = − ln(ρ0201)                                                      (10)




Maximum Condensation Ratio:

                                   ρ12 = [n+1]1/2 = Vmax/c*                                                   (11)
     Oblique Shocks 



If the discontinuity is inclined at angle to the direction of the oncoming or upstream flow, the shock is called oblique. 





                      V1                                                V2



                                              Oblique Shock                                                   V1N  >  V2N                                              p1ρ1T1  <  p2ρ2


Since the flow V is purely relative to the oblique shock front, the shock may be transformed to a normal one by rotation of the coordinates, and the equations for the normal shock may then be used instead.  Strong and Weak Oblique Shock Options: The Shock Polar       


For each inlet Mach number M1 ( = VN1/c), and turning angle of the flow θ, there are two physical  options:


1)  the strong shock ( intersection S) with strong compression ratio and large flow  velocity reduction (p2 >> p1;  V2 << V1, or


2)  the weak shock (intersection W, with small pressure rise and small velocity reduction.


Which of the two options occurs depends on the boundary conditions: low back i.e. low  downstream pressure favours the weak shock occurrence; high downstream pressure favours the strong shock.





  M* = v/c = 1                                c*




When the turning angle θ of the oncoming flow is zero, the strong shock becomes the normal or maximum strong shock, and the weak shock becomes an infinitesimal, low-amplitude, acoustic wave.



2.6   Types of Compressible Flow: 


a)  Steady, subcritical flow ( e.g. subsonic, V< c), governed by elliptic, non-linear, partial

differential equations.

b)  Steady, supercritical flow ( e.g. supersonic,  V1 > c) governed by hyperbolic, nonlinear, partial differential equations.

c)  Unsteady flow  (either subcritical or supercritical). These are wave equations governed by hyperbolic, non-linear, partial differential equations. They are often simplified to linear approximations, for example to the classical wave equation (5); if of finite amplitude they grow to shocks..


The solutions to the above hyperbolic equations are called characteristic solutions.  If linear, they correspond to the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the linear solutions to the various wave equations of quantum mechanics ( Sect. 3.7), or, equally, to the diagonal solutions of the matrix equation of Heisenberg’s formulation of quantum mechanics.




2.7 Wave Speeds 

  c = [ co2 – V2/n]1/2     (steady flow)                                        (12)

 c = co2 – V2/n – [(2/n)cV ]1/2    (unsteady flow)                         (13)                                   


 c2 =  (dp/dρ)s, where s is an isentropic state.                                            


Since V is relative, it may be arbitrarily set to zero to give a stationary or “local” coordinate system moving with the flow; this automatically puts c = co and transforms the variable wave speed to any other relatively moving coordinate system. 


The shock speed U is always supercritical (U > c) with respect to the upstream or oncoming flow V1. 




2.8 Wave Speed Ratio c/co  and The  Isentropic Thermodynamic Ratios

 c/co = [1 -1/n(V/co)2]1/2  = (p/po)1/(n+2) = (ρ/ρo)1/n = (T/To)1/2                                              (14)


All the basic thermodynamic  parameters of a compressible isentropic flow are therefore specified by the wave speed ratio c/co. . 




2.9    Relativity Effects in Compressible Flow:   In compressible flows  all velocities [V or u] are relative only, and, moreover, the wave speed  c  is a variable which is  dependent on V and n; it decreases for larger velocities V. and it reaches its  maximum value co at the static state i.e. at  zero flow (V =0).

 Interestingly, Equation (14)


c/co = [1 -1/n(V/co)2]1/2  = (p/po)1/(n+2) = (ρ/ρo)1/n = (T/To)1/2             (15)

 shows that the  correction factor for the effect of flow speed on  wave speed c  on the right hand side of the equation has the same  form as the Lorentz Transformation of special relativity. If n = 1 the two correction factors become formally identical.

 The differences from special relativity  are that the wave speed c is now a variable and a function of the flow velocity V,  and that there is the  energy partition constant  n.  Since the wave speeds are  low ( c =  334 m/s for air at m.s.l.),  the ‘Lorentz’   corrections for physical compressible systems such as  gases are relatively large. Also, the flow speeds can exceed the wave speed ( supersonic  flow),  whereas in special relativity theory, the wave speed c is a  constant ( 3 x 108 m/s) which  can never be exceeded.

Photon shocks are thus impossible in special relativity, whereas in compressible flow they furnish a quantum physical theory for the origins of matter itself via the  formation of the elementary particles of matter at  compression shock discontinuities.




2.10  Wave Stability  


Compression waves are the rule in the baryonic physical world ( i..e. in Quadrant I on the pressure-volume diagram) where  density waves are always compressive  and all compression waves of finite amplitude grow towards shocks.  Here, only acoustic compression waves ( i.e. infinitely low-amplitude compressions) are stable. 


Finite rarefaction waves and rarefaction shocks are impossible in material gases;  only infinitely lowamplitude rarefaction waves can persist.


We shall see below that, with elliptical equations of state ( dark matter) and linear equations of state ( quantum radiation), stable, finite rarefaction waves do become possible. 




2.11   Elliptical Equations of State and Rarefaction Waves 




Elliptical Equation of State favours Rarefaction Waves and Shocks



The criterion for wave behaviour  [4] is the curvature ( dp/dv)  of the isentropic equation of state:


1.                  If d2p/dv2 is > 0 (i.e. the  hyperbolic curve)  compression waves form  and steepen, while rarefaction waves flatten and die out.  Only compression waves of infinitely small amplitude (“acoustic” or “sound” waves” )  are stable.


2.                  If  d2p/dv2 is < 0 ,  ( i.e. the elliptical curve)  rarefaction waves form and steepen,  while compression waves flatten and die out.


We therefore see that  ordinary gases are hyperbolic and favors compression waves and  compression  shocks. No real gas is known whose  equation of state is elliptical and favors’ rarefaction waves;  but we are now proposing that itiis thus elliptical relationship which furnishes the hat it is this elliptical relationship which furnishes the Equation of State  for the Dark Matter of the Cosmos. We are also

proposing that the third option, namely the linear state fits the quantum world aand the Electromagnetic state.



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Appendix C


Transverse Waves in a Tenuous Field:

Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Waves and Compressible Flow




Compressibility and  Electromagnetic Waves : Evidence for transverse waves in a tenuous fluid


 Here we shall  show that compressible flow theory and the  two proposed orthogonal  linear equations of state  p = ± v can produce transverse waves in a shear free compressible fluid, so as to fit  with the established transverse nature

of electromagnetic waves.


( The following insert is from UF pages) needs editing to fit in here,,

Material  gases, being tenuous fluids,  can only support longitudinal waves, that is to say,  waves in which  the density variations ±∆ρ are along the direction of wave propagation. They cannot support transverse waves in which the density variations would be transverse to the direction of wave propagation. Its was this inability  of a tenuous medium to transmit the transverse waves of light which led to the demise of the old luminiferous ether concept.  We now ask:  What is the evidence for transverse fluid waves  in  the Linear Wave Field  with its mutually orthogonal adiabatics and isotherms?


We consider a simple pressure pulse ( ±∆p) in the orthogonal wave field:





  A pressure pulse ( ±∆p) in the Orthogonal Wave Field



The initial or static state is designated as po. When the pressure pulse ( +∆p) is imposed from outside in some way, the wave field  must respond thermodynamically in two completely orthogonal and hence two completely isolated ways, namely, by (1) an adiabatic stable wave along the adiabatic( TG) and (2) by an isothermal stable pulse along the isotherm (OG).


Spatially, the constant pressure disturbance ( +∆p)  must propagate in the direction of the initial impulse ,but, since the there are two orthogonal components of the pulse are the only way  for this to take place is for the two mutually orthogonal components to also be transverse to the direction of propagation of the two pressure pulses.  Vectorially, this requires an axial wave vector  V in the direction of propagation ( say z)  with the two pulses orthogonally disposed  in the x-y plane. i.e. TG x OG = V which is reminiscent of the Poynting energy vector  S  = E x B in an electromagnetic wave.






  Electromagnetic Poynting energy /vector



A  wave of amplitude ψ traveling in one direction (say along the axis x)  is represented by the unidirectional  wave equation


dψ/dx = 1/c dψ/dt




Maxwell’s electromagnetic waves


Here, however, in the case of our adiabatic and isothermal pressure pulses  we have two coupled yet isolated unidirectional waves, and this reminds us of Maxwell’s coupled electromagnetic waves for E and B, as follows


dEy/dx  = (1/c) dB/dt and dBy/dx = (1/c) dH/dt


where c is the speed of light, E is the electric intensity and B is the coupled magnetic intensity.


Maxwell’s  E and B vectors are also orthogonal to each another and transverse to the direction of positive energy propagation.


Therefore, we have formally established in outline a  two component wave system in theLinear Wave Field with  (k = −1) which formally corresponds to the E and B two component orthogonal system of Maxwell for electromagnetic wave propagation through space in a continuous medium. His equations for E and B are


Curl E  = ∂Ey/∂x = −(1/c) ∂B/∂t


Curl B = ∂By/∂x = − (1/c) ∂E/∂t                           


If we now designate our Tangent gas as A ( for Adiabatic) and our Orthogonal gas as I ( for

Isothermal) then our analogous wave equations would be


Curl A = ∂Ay/∂x = − (1/c) ∂I/∂t


Curl I = ∂Iy/∂x =  − (1/c) ∂A/∂t


The two systems are formally identical. Therefore, we propose that the medium in which Maxwell’s transverse electromagnetic waves travel through space  is to be physically identified as a Linear Wave Field,  having the above described thermodynamic properties for adiabatic and isothermal motions initiated in the wave field and initiated by pressure pulses ( presumably by accelerated motions of electric charges.) The compressibility of the wave state now accounts  on physical grounds for  the finite wave speed ( speed of light), and in addition  wave motions in this tenuous fluid medium are transverse, as required by the observations..


It is possible to reduce Maxwell’s two equations UF equations to a symmetrical single wave equation


2E/∂x2  = (1/c2) ∂2E/∂t2


2B/∂x2  = (1/c2) ∂2B/∂t2



and similarly with A and I  for our Adiabatic/Isothermal coupled wave in the UF:

2A/∂x2  = (1/c2) ∂2A/∂t2


2I/∂x2  = (1/c2) ∂2I/∂t2                                         



This is not surprising since the UF with its k = −1 thermodynamic property is the unique  compressible fluid which automatically generates the classical wave equation with its stable, plane waves. The formal agreement of the UF theory with Maxwell is again striking.

Instead of taking our initial external perturbation  as a pressure pulse ( +∆p)   we should  more realistically, from the physical standpoint, take it to be a density condensation (s = ( ρ – ρo ) / ρo =  +∆ρ/ ρo). This will now result in a positive pressure pulse   (+∆p) appearing in the adiabatic  (TG) phase of the UF but a negative  pressure pulse ( −∆p) in the isothermal or orthogonal perturbation component (OG) . This perturbation is represented by the two orthogonal sets of arrows on the pv diagram, one corresponding to +∆p and the other set corresponding to − ∆p. As the wave progresses the two orthogonal vectors also rotate.




 The physical ambiguity which results from a pressure/density perturbation in the Orthogonal UF


An oscillating density perturbation ( ±∆ρ) then results in an axial wave vector having two mutually orthogonal components ( adiabatic and isothermal ) in a density perturbation wave.   This appears to correspond formally to the Maxwell electromagnetic wave system with its two mutually orthogonal vectors for electric field intensity E and magnetic field intensity B.


We have thus established a case for the compressible  linear wave field being a cosmic entity which transmits transverse electromagnetic waves through space.   A necessary

next step will be to examine the field or state  in relation to all the

multifarious  established facts relating to electromagnetic radiation.. These must include the nature of electric charge, electrostatic fields, the compressed fields of moving charges and the resulting magnetic fields, etc. etc. Preliminary work has indicated that this additional reconciliation will be successful.


Nite: The appropriate wave equation for the compressible flow field, from which the quantum shock compressions that generate the elementary particles of matter are produced, would seem to be the  exact Classical Wave Equation:


2 ψ  = 1/c22ψ/∂t2 [ 1 + ψ ](k + 1)                                            


where k, the adiabatic exponent is cp/cv = ( n + 2) /n; and ( k + 1 ) = 2( n + 1)/n

=  2(co/c*)2.   Here, pressure is a function of density only.  This wave is isentropic, non-linear, unstable, and grows to a non-isentropic discontinuity called a shock wave.   It is at these shock discontinuities that the elementary particles can form – the hadrons at the strong shock and the leptons at the weak shock option.


 In many quantum actions stable waves are involved, such as the electromagnetic waves. For these we propose the linearized classical wave equation, as follows 



2ψ = 1/c2 2ψ/∂t2                                                                                                                                       



where ∆2 = ∂../∂x2  + ∂2../∂y2 + ∂2../∂z2;  ψ  is the wave amplitude, that is, it is the amplitude of a thermodynamic state variable such as the pressure p or the density ρ. The local  wave speed is c.


The general solution  is


ψ = φ1x – ct) + φ2( x = ct)                                                                        


This equation is a linear, approximate  equation for the case of low-amplitude waves in which all small terms (squares, products of differentials, etc.  have been dropped.



We have presented examples of a close conection of compressible flow theory and quantum mechanics fundamental relationships. We have related the formation of the elementary particles of matter to energy condensation occurring in compression shocks in a compressible flow.


We have assigned a Linear Equation of State  to the quantum fields of

electromagnetic  radiation. This equation has two forms, one being adiabatic and the other being isothermal.  In the case  where these two equations are orthogonal. the resultant wave would appear to be  transverse to the direction of motion.. Then, the transverse wave equations are shown to formally match Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations. 



Copyright,  Bernard A. Power, September  2017  

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